08-JAN-2013 12:52 From Mgga Rgdport Pty Ltd To 1300135638 P.001

8 January 2013

The Manager


lawyers and consultants

Tel: +61 8 9213 3000

Fax: +61 8 9481 7479

Cardlnals Corpora te Pty Ltd as trustee for the Cardinals Corporale Trust tradlng as

Cardinals Lawyers and


ABN 57 245 735 267

Level 1

57 Havelock Street

West Perth WA 6005

PO Box 1957

West Perth WA 6872

Company Announcements Platform

ASX Limited

BY FACSIMILE TO: 1300 135 638

Total Number of Pages: 4

Dear Sir/Madam

Azimuth Resources Limited (ASX Code: AZH)- Notice of lnitial Substantial Holder (Form

603) by Pinetree Resource Partnership

We act for the Pinetree Resource Partnership.

In accordance with section 671B(1)(a) of the Corporations Aet 2001 (Cth) (Corporations Act), we attach on behalf of Pinetree Resource Partnership, a Form 603 setting out the information required under section 671B(3) of the Corporations Act.

A copy of this Iettar has been provided to Azimuth Resources Limited.

Please do not hesitate to contact Katherine Garvey of this office if you have any queries. Yours sincerely

Senior Associate

Direct: +61 8 9213 3030

Email: kgarvey@megau.com.au

Please notify us if this communicaUon has been sent to you in error. lf it has been, any client legai privllege is not walved or lost and you are not entitled to uso it in any way.

08-JAN-2013 12:53 From Mega Redport Pty Ltd To 1300135638


Form 603

Corporotlons Act 2001

Soellon 671B

Notlce of lnltial substantlal holder

!2 Company Name/Scheme A1;miuth ReSOUft'lBS Umlted

ACN/ARSN 089 531 082

603 page 1/2 15 JUIY 2001

1. Dotali• of oub


ACN/ARSN (Ial ppllcable)

Plnellee Roaoultl8 Partnershlp


Tha holder bacamo a aubslàntial holder on

2. Detalls of voUng power

The total number of votes attacbed to ali the votlng ahares In the company or voting lnterests In the echeme that lhe e:ubotantlal holder or an auoclate (2) had a

relevant lnwmt (3) In on lhe dallllha euballlnHal holder became a aubstanllalholder ere aa follows:

Cla..of11eCUriHes (4) Number of oeouriUes PelliOn's vollls (5)

VOUng power (6)

Fully pald ordlnary sha,... 2,750,270 22,750,270


3. Datali& of relavant lntareata

The nature of the relavant lntemst the substantlalhOfder or an assodate had in the followlng voting eecuritles on tha date the substanUal holdet bacarne a

oubstanUal holder'"::"'=:;:=.-':=OI::Iows:.:;::·';· ====----,-======:-::::=::-;-;;;---r.....,=========---,
Plnelree Resource Parinershlp Legai and beneficiaiowner 22,750,270 ftJIIy pald ordlnary shares

4. Detalla of preaent mglstorod holden

The personu reglstered as holders or the securitles referred ta in paragraph 3 abovo an:t aa follows:

Holdar of relevant Reglslllred hOider ol lnlerest seouriUes

Person enliUed to be reglstered as holdor (B)

Clsss and number orsecurities

Plnalree Resource Partnershlp

Pinetree Resource Partnershlp

Plnetreo Reaource Partnership


2,750,270 ftJIIy pald ordlnary shares

6. Conaldoratlon

The colllllderellon pald for oacrelevant lnlllrest referred lo In paragrap3 above, and acquired in lhe four monlhs prior lotday lhallhe subslanllalholder becama a substantial hOider ls as follows:
Conslderauon (9)

Class and number ofsecurltìes

08-JAN-2013 12:53 From Mgga Rgdport Pty Ltd To 1300135638


603 e 2/2 15 Jul 2001

8. Aoeoçlaloa

The roasons the pemons named In paragmph 3 aboVe aro a&soclatas of the sub&tanUal holder are as follcws:

Nama end ACN/ARSN (W "!>PIIooble)

Nature ot assoclaUon


7. Addmssaa

The addrnsses of persona named In thls tonn am os follows:

Sulle 2500, 130 I


prlnlnama Rlchard Patnclo


llçe Prusldent & ASO

olgn hom




lf there are a number of substantlal holdero wlth slmllar or related relevant lnterests (eg. a corpomtlon and 118 reloted corporations, or the manager and trustee of an equlty trust), the names could be Jncluded In an annexure to the rorm. lf lhe relevant lnterests of a group of pemons are easenllally simllar, thay may ba rererrod lo throughout tha ronn es a specifiOIIIIy namsd group 1r lhe membarshlp of eech group, wlth tha names and addreeaes of members ls c:learly salaut In pamgmph 7 or lhe fonn.

(2) See tha deflnHion of "asscx:Jate" In seetlon 9 ot the Corporauons Act 2001.

(3) Seelhe deflnltion of "relevant lnteresl" In secllons 608 and 671B(7) or lho CofjlOilltlons Acl 2001. (4) The voting &hares of a company conotilirte one class unlesa dMdsd lnto oepllmte classes.

(6) The total number or votes attached to ali the votlng shares In the company or voHng lnlerests In the echeme (lf any) that the person or an assoclate has a relevant lntemst In.


The person'a votes dlvldsd by the total votes In lhe body corporale or schema multlplled by 100.

(7) Include delallo of:



any relevant agreement or other clrcumstance& by whìch the relevant lnlerest was acqulred. lf subseciJon 6718(4) applies, a copy or any document settlng aut the terms of any relovant agreement, and a statement by the perseo glvlng full and acoumte detalls of any contract, schema or arrangement, must accompany this fonn, togetherwlth a wrtttan etatement certit'ylng thl& oontract, I)Cheme or arrangement: and

any quallflcalion of the power of a person to exerclse, contrai the exerclse of, or lnfluence the exerclse of, the votlng powere or dlsposal of the

sacurltiesto whlch lhe relevantlntereslretates (lndlcallng cleany the pertlcular oeculilles to whlch the quallficatlon applles).
Seo lhe definHion al "rolevant agreemenf' In eecllan 9 al the Corporatlons Acl 2001.
(8) 1r tho subolanllalholder la unable lo delennlnelholdenUty of lhe parson (eg. Ilthe rslevant lnterest a oas baOIIuse of an opllon) Wlile •unkn

(9) Detalls cf the canslderatlon must include any and ali beneflts, moneys and other, that sny pemn rram whom a relevant lnterest was acqulrecl has, or may, beoome entiUsd 10 01oetve In relatlon 10 thatacqulsltlon. Delalls must belncludsd aven Ilthe benefH ls oon ltlonalon the happanlng or not aal contlngenoy. Detalls musibe lncludsd or any banOfllpald on bahalf of the substantlal holder or Ila associate In relatlon lo the acqulsltions, even 1r lhey are not pald direclly to lhe person!rom whom the relevant lnteroslwas acqulred.


This is the annexure marked 'P! of(1) page referred to in the Form 603 - Notice of lnitial Substantial H

Pinetree Résource Partnership

o (l) l






Date: ;a..., 7, Z..,n N















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