Step 3

With the stems imported as new tracks - File>"Save Session As" - a new name: "Song Name - V1 STEMS" and delete all the other tracks except the demo and the stems. This keeps in tact the full, flexible version of the song for you in the other session, but allows you to prep a smaller, new version to send your collaborators with the stems, bar and beat grid and memory locations. Even though you've deleted the tracks, the files are still tied to the session in the clip bin. You can remove them by using the small menu in the clip bin and selecting "Select Unused Audio Files" and then choosing to "remove" them - do not delete them from the hard drive! Just remove them from the new stem session.

Step 4

Now - you are ready to package the new session up into a nice, neat location and that's where "Save Session Copy In" comes in. "Save Session Copy In" let's you point to a new drive or location and copy everything that makes this a session into a new place. By selecting to copy the audio files (and movie files if you have them) and choosing save, you now have copied the stems and the Pro Tools Session document into a single location. This avoids you having to manually find all of the matching files and is a big time saver.

Step 5

The next step is to .ZIP compress that single folder up and upload to DropBox or other sharing service. If you skip this step, the Internet may cause some issues with the session file. My zipped file was roughly 300MB. Once uploaded, you now need to email a link to your collaborators.

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