AudioCodes Ltd. announced the launch of its SmartTAP call recording solution release 4.1. SmartTAP is an intelligent, fully certified and secure enterprise interaction recording solution for voice, video and instant messages (IM) that can seamlessly capture and index virtually any customer or organizational interaction across external and internal communication channels. In the latest release, SmartTAP includes full video interaction capturing functionality which, like the existing voice and IM capturing capabilities, is capable of recording both one-on-one and conference video calls. In addition, SmartTAP can now record a broad range of organizational interaction types, including internal, external and mobile interactions, as well as interactions with remote and federated users. With these capabilities, enterprises are able to start driving artificial intelligence based business analytics in order to enhance productivity and deliver actionable insights from business interactions. These capabilities mean that SmartTAP can be used with confidence by any organization operating under the European Union's new MiFID II directive. This directive, which came into force in January 2018, was designed to inject further transparency into financial markets. It stipulates that all firms in the EU that sell financial instruments must capture all communications that take place with a customer prior to the actual transaction occurring " including emails, social media conversations and telephone calls.