Clip Interactive, LLC has added Bill Freund to the executive team as Executive Vice President and Chief Revenue Officer. Mr. Freund is the latest in the technology company's management acquisition strategy. With over two decades of sales management and operating experience in the digital media and broadcast space, Freund will pave the way for expansion into new markets, as well as foster growth with national and local advertisers.

As Executive Vice President at Triton Media Group, Freund built and maintained an online and mobile ad network of more than 3,000 affiliates. Freund will influence Clip products and services in preparation for a 2014 national rollout of the technology. Clip allows listeners to interact with radio programming via their mobile devices.

Listeners gain access to offers, contests, and can even download sponsored music. Audience behavior is then analyzed, allowing advertisers and music labels gain access to valuable user data, while radio stations get credit for driving user engagement. As CRO, Freund will help drive new station partnerships, while working with the product and marketing teams to both explore the technology's use on other broadcast channels and to leverage user data in new and innovative ways.