Atrato Onsite Energy plc announce the acquisition of a fully operational portfolio of solar PV systems for a total consideration of £9.3 million. The portfolio includes three solar assets with a total capacity of 13MW with a 10-year average remaining contracted term and comprises: 7.7MW of solar PV systems situated on residential rooftops owned by three different UK housing associations across the UK which benefit from payments pursuant to the government's feed-in-tariff ("FIT") scheme, with a remaining term of 11 years and 100% uncapped RPI linkage; A 3.7MW subsidy free ground mounted asset, commercialised under a utility PPA; A 1.7MW ground mounted asset accredited under the government's Renewable Obligation Certificate ("ROC") regime with a 13-year unexpired term. The Company and the Investment Adviser believe this portfolio to be a highly attractive addition to the Company's existing portfolio of solar assets due to its attractive return profile, with a substantial proportion of the revenue stream underpinned by government backed income and 100% uncapped RPI inflation linkage.