Miami, FL, January 6, 2021

Atlantic Sapphire ASA ("the Company") announces its first quarterly trading
update for the quarter ending December 31, 2020. The Company will publish a
trading update following the completion of every quarter going forward.

Three months ended Dec 31, 2020:

Harvest volume - USA: 		166t HOG 
Harvest volume - Denmark:	341t HOG 
Biomass gain - USA: 		~1,500t RLW
Biomass gain - Denmark: 	~600t RLW

Atlantic Sapphire reports financials semi-annually but aims to update its
stakeholders more frequently. As such, please find attached the Company's
January 2021 operational update, which includes additional details regarding
operations, construction and price achievement.

Such operational update will be made available on The Company's 2020 Annual Report
will be released on April 15, 2021.

The Company also invites all interested parties to a video conference call,
where the operational update will be presented, followed by a Q&A session. The
video conference call will take place at 9AM ET / 15:00 CET today, January 6,

Please use the following link:

or the following call-in details:

Conference ID: 130 974 551#

+1 786-598-2978   United States, Miami
+1 347-630-9328   United States, New York
+47 21 40 21 39   Norway, Oslo
+44 20 3794 0298  United Kingdom, London
+45 32 72 47 39   Denmark, Copenhagen
+46 8 505 329 62  Sweden, Stockholm
+41 43 210 57 10  Switzerland, Zurich

All participants will be on mute during the presentation. If you're calling in
and would like to ask a question during the Q&A session, please unmute yourself
by pressing "*6".

For further information, please contact:

Johan E. Andreassen 
Chairman, Atlantic Sapphire ASA; 

Karl Øystein Øyehaug 
Managing Director & Interim CFO, Atlantic Sapphire ASA

About Atlantic Sapphire ASA 
Atlantic Sapphire is pioneering Bluehouse® (land-raised) salmon farming,
locally, and transforming protein production, globally. Atlantic Sapphire has
been operating its innovation center in Denmark since 2011 with a strong focus
on R&D and innovation to equip the company with technology and procedures that
enable the company to commercially scale up production in end markets close to
the consumer. 

In the US, the company has since 2010 worked to identify and permit the ideal
location for Bluehouse® farming in Miami, Florida. The company has completed its
phase 1 build out which is projected to harvest approximately 10,000 tons of
salmon annually and performed its first commercial harvest in the US in
September 2020. The company has secured the key US water permits to produce up
to 90,000 tons onsite, and has a targeted harvest volume in 2031 of 220,000

Click here for more information

© Oslo Bors ASA, source Oslo Stock Exchange