Argosy Minerals Limited announced continued Stage 2 development progress at its Rincon Lithium Project located in the "Lithium Triangle" in Salta Province, Argentina, where the company has filled the initial Stage 2 evaporation ponds with lithium brine, and these ponds are now fully operational for solar evaporation and lithium concentration during the peak summer season. With the initial lithium brine pumping works completed, the Company has now planned additional pumping tests to commence this week on the completed two production wells to measure flow rates among other testing for future analytical /study works. From field observations and the positive effect of the lithium brine pumping works into the Stage 2 ponds, the Company considers the two completed production wells will provide ample lithium brine volumes for consistent Stage 2 brine pumping operations. The company has continued to fast-track progress of its Stage 2 development works program by submitting the necessary regulatory application documents to construct the remaining Stage 2 evaporation ponds. Pending receipt of successful regulatory approval and permits, the Company will immediately thereafter commence such works, which will result in a combined total of ~34 hectares of completed Stage 2 lithium brine evaporation ponds. The Company also continues to progress construction of the Stage 1 pilot plant, located at its fully owned industrial warehouse site - in preparation for lithium concentrate processing test-works during the March 2018 Quarter and production of targeted battery grade LCE product shortly thereafter - with plant capacity up to 500 tonnes per annum. The company's Stage 1 evaporation ponds, continuously concentrating lithium brine since April 2017, are progressing to a suitable lithium concentrate for processing through the Stage 1 pilot plant. Acceleration of achievement of 77.5% shareholding in Rincon Lithium Project In recognition of the accelerated commencement of Stage 2 development at Rincon (that is prior to completion of Stage 1), Argosy reached in-principle agreement with its project partners for an early move to a 77.5% interest in Puna Mining S.A. - the JV entity that owns the Rincon Lithium Project. This confirms the continued excellent working relationship between Argosy and its joint venture partners, namely lithium processing expert Pablo Alurralde. The Company is currently formalising the agreement and will complete the bureaucratic requirements to complete this process. Drilling Operations The second phase of drilling operations - the exploration diamond drilling works to delineate a JORC-compliant Resource estimate - are re-commencing this week following the festive period break. Six exploration diamond drill-holes have been completed to a depth of 102.5m, as part of this drilling program. The remaining two diamond drill-holes are planned to be completed during January. The company has received the preliminary analytical results for diamond drill-holes 3 - 5 from the Argentina laboratory (drill-hole 6 samples awaiting analysis at laboratory), and will advise of such results pending review and interpretation by the company's Australian consulting hydrogeologists, who will be conducting a site visit this week. As part of the site trip, additional samples from drill-holes 3 - 6 will be collected for porosity measurement analysis to be undertaken by GeoSystems Analysis Laboratory in the USA for their porosity characteristics (in particular the specific yield - drainable porosity). Once all drilling and sample testing is completed, with the full set of laboratory analysis results, all the data will be used to produce a Resource estimate for the Project during the current Quarter, to be reported in accordance with JORC 2012 requirements.