H.E. the Minister of Commerce and Industry Dr. Tawfiq Alrabiah has approved the transformation of ANB Invest from a limited liability company into a closed joint stock company, with a capital of SR 400,000,000 divided into 40,000,000 share of SR 10 nominal value per share.

Mr. Zuhair Al Herbish, Chairman of ANB Invest, expressed his appreciation to the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, the Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency and the Capital Market Authority (CMA), stressing that such transformation comes in line with (CMA) directions and governance regulations. He stated that such a step will contribute to the development of the overall company's business, expand its investment services and strengthen its position in the market.

ANB Invest, the Arab National Bank's investment arm, is an independent company wholly-owned by ANB, licensed by (CMA) to offer a wide range of investment services, such as share mediation; wealth and assets management, as well as initial public offer and preference shares issuance services.

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