Alumina Limited (ASX: AWC) (Alumina) provides the following update in relation to the proposal for Alcoa Corporation to acquire 100% of the fully paid ordinary shares in Alumina by way of a scheme of arrangement (Scheme).

Subject to Alumina shareholders approving the Scheme by the requisite majorities at the Scheme meeting to be held on Thursday, 18 July 2024, the Court hearing to approve the Scheme (Second Court Hearing) will take place at 2.15pm on Monday, 22 July 2024 in the Federal Court of Australia at 305 William Street, Melbourne VIC 3000.

Alumina shareholders have the right to appear and be heard at the Second Court Hearing and may oppose the approval of the Scheme at the Second Court Hearing. If you wish to oppose approval of the Scheme by the Court at the Second Court Hearing, you must file and serve on Alumina a notice of appearance, in the prescribed form, together with any affidavit on which you wish to rely at the hearing. The notice of appearance and affidavit must be served on Alumina at its address for service at least 1 day before the Second Court Hearing.

The address for service of Alumina is King & Wood Mallesons, Level 27, Collins Arch, 447 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 (Attention: Mikkeli Godfree).

Shareholder Information Line

If you have any questions in relation to the Scheme or the Scheme Booklet, please contact the Alumina Shareholder Information Line on 1800 990 479 (within Australia) or +61 1800 990 479 (outside Australia), between 8.30am and 5.30pm (AEST), Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays).


Craig Evans

Tel: +61 3 8699 2603

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