The Board of Alpha FMC announced that Euan Fraser, Chief Executive Officer, has notified the Board of his intention to step down as Chief Executive Officer on 31 March 2023. Following this, Euan has agreed to remain with the Group as a Strategic Adviser. The Board announced that Luc Baqué, currently Global Head of Asset & Wealth Management Consulting at Alpha, will succeed Euan as Chief Executive Officer with effect from 1 April 2023.

Luc, aged 46, joined Alpha in 2010 to create the Paris Office. He became Head of Europe in 2016 and Global Head of Asset & Wealth Management Consulting in 2020. Luc has more than 20 years of industry experience.

Prior to joining Alpha, he spent five years with UBS in Paris as head of change management and six years with Solving International, a strategy management consultancy, specialising in Financial Services.