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(Incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability) (Incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability)

(Stock Code: 373) Discloseable Transaction Connected Transaction (Stock Code: 56) Discloseable Transaction Connected Transaction JOINT ANNOUNCEMENT LOAN TRANSACTION

Reference is made to the joint announcement of Allied Group Limited, Allied Properties (H.K.)
Limited and Sun Hung Kai & Co. Limited dated 2 January 2013 (the "Joint Announcement") in relation to, inter alia, the Transaction. Capitalised terms used herein shall have the same meanings as those defined in the Joint Announcement unless the context otherwise requires.
The AGL Directors and APL Directors wish to announce that application has been made by each of them to the Stock Exchange on 14 January 2013 for a waiver in pursuance of Rule
14A.43 of the Listing Rules waiving the requirement of holding a physical general meeting of each of AGL and APL to consider and approve the Transaction.
The AGL Directors and APL Directors wish to further announce that to the best of the knowledge, information and belief of the AGL Directors and APL Directors having made all reasonable enquiries, no shareholder of AGL or APL is required to abstain from voting if AGL and APL were to convene a general meeting for approving the Transaction.
AGL has obtained the written approval of the Transaction from Lee and Lee Trust, the controlling shareholder holding an aggregate 124,242,492 shares of AGL, representing approximately 65.00% of the entire issued share capital of AGL, through its wholly-owned subsidiaries, as at the date of the written approval.
APL has obtained the written approval of the Transaction from AGL, the controlling shareholder holding an aggregate 5,101,211,521 shares of APL, representing approximately
74.97% of the entire issued share capital of APL, through AGL itself and its wholly-owned subsidiaries, as at the date of the written approval.
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Result of the application for the waivers applied pursuant to Rule 14A.43 of the Listing Rules will be disclosed in the circular of AGL and APL to be despatched to shareholders of AGL and APL respectively on or before 23 January 2013.
On behalf of the board of Allied Group Limited Edwin Lo King Yau

Executive Director

On behalf of the board of

Allied Properties (H.K.) Limited Li Chi Kong

Executive Director

Hong Kong, 14 January 2013

As at the date of this joint announcement, the AGL Directors are:

Executive Directors:

Messrs. Lee Seng Hui (Chief Executive), Edwin Lo King Yau and Mak Pak Hung

Non-Executive Directors:

Mr. Arthur George Dew (Chairman) and Ms. Lee Su Hwei

Independent Non-Executive Directors:

Messrs. Wong Po Yan, David Craig Bartlett and Alan Stephen Jones

As at the date of this joint announcement, the APL Directors are:

Executive Directors:

Messrs. Lee Seng Hui (Chief Executive), Li Chi Kong and Mark Wong Tai Chun

Non-Executive Director:

Mr. Arthur George Dew (Chairman)

Independent Non-Executive Directors:

Messrs. Steven Samuel Zoellner, Alan Stephen Jones and David Craig Bartlett

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