Alba Mineral Resources plc announced that it has provided the following update in relation to the Horse Hill Oil Project: Production and well intervention: To date, the field has produced and exported over 132,000 barrels of Brent quality crude from its Kimmeridge and Portland oil pools. Despite the downtime for the Horse Hill-1 well intervention in Fourth Quarter 2020, the total Portland oil production for the December quarter was 7,045 bbl. The average production uptime was 57% over the period and ranged from 37% during October's main HH-1 intervention period, to 85% in November, post-intervention. As announced on 5 November 2020, an intervention was completed to reperforate the full Portland oil-producing section, insert a new simplified production tubing string and set the downhole pump at a deeper level to increase Portland pumping efficiency. The intervention was immediately followed by an ongoing series of multi-week production optimisation trials to achieve an optimum balance between oil revenues and water handling and other operational costs. Trials include well-cycling (i.e., shutting in the well for a set period each day to reduce water inflow) and pump fill optimisation. The trials are expected to continue for several months. The Operator reports that early results are encouraging, with stable water influx levels achieved by the end of 2020. Water reinjection: Horse Hill's planning consent includes a provision for a formation water reinjection well. Consequently, to remove the need for off-site water disposal via tanker and to also help maximise oil recovery by supporting reservoir pressure, the Operator reports that it plans to reconfigure Horse Hill-2z well into a water re-injection well as soon as practicable, subject to regulatory consent. Infill drilling plans: The Operator reports that it has completed the interpretation of static and flowing data from November's pressure build-up ("PBU") test sequence, confirming HH-1 connected oil in place volumes of 7-11 million barrels previously reported in October 2018. The PBU data also helped to identify a potentially significant contribution to Portland fluid flow from a natural fracture system. The Operator reports that technical work is ongoing to further characterise the Portland reservoir's delivery mechanisms and, in particular, the prevalence and role of the natural fracturing within the Portland section. The recent integration of the November 2020 PBU data, HH-2z rock data and a completely revised seismic interpretation has provided a far better understanding of the Portland reservoir. The Operator reports that several significant infill drilling opportunities have now been identified in the Portland oil pool, all up-dip of HH-1 (i.e., at a shallower depth within the oil pool) and significantly above the oil-water contact. The Operator reports that following the successful flow testing of the Kimmeridge oil pool, during which 52,780 bbl of 40° API oil were produced, further development of the Kimmeridge oil pool also remains a significant objective. Consequently, the Operator plans to drill an infill well to determine the lateral extent of the Kimmeridge oil pool, proven by HH-1 to lie within a natural fracture system of significant vertical extent. The Kimmeridge HH-4 well, also situated updip of both HH-1 and HH-2z, is likely to be a highly inclined or "slant" well, designed with a lateral orientation approximately orthogonal to the known regional open natural fracture direction, so as to maximise the number of open fractures penetrated. The Operator reports that it expects to plan and drill these Portland (HH-3) and Kimmeridge (HH-4) infill wells following the completion of UKOG's appraisal drilling campaign on another project unrelated to Horse Hill.