Al-Abid Silk Mills Limited reported unaudited earnings results for the year ended June 30, 2018. Loss from operations was PKR 32,743,314. Loss before taxation was PKR 32,747,827. Profit after taxation was PKR 124,257,603. Profit per share - basic and diluted was PKR 9.27. Net cash flows from operating activities were PKR 185,942,376.

For the year ending June 30, 2019, the company expects sales and Manufacturing to be PKR 111,200,000, profit from operations to be PKR 2,968,175,171, profit before taxation to be PKR 2,968,175,171, profit after taxation to be PKR 2,966,501,171, profit per share - basic and diluted to be PKR 221.22, net cash used in operating activities to be PKR 105,736,836.

For the year ending June 30, 2020, the company expects sales and Manufacturing to be PKR 572,400,000, profit from operations to be PKR 1,317,133, profit before taxation to be PKR 1,309,333, profit after taxation to be PKR 942,720, profit per share - basic and diluted to be PKR 0.07, net cash used in operating activities to be PKR 20,944,632.

For the year ending June 30, 2021, the company expects sales and Manufacturing to be PKR 682,800,000, profit from operations to be PKR 74,479,496, profit before taxation to be PKR 74,470,496, profit after taxation to be PKR 54,363,462, profit per share - basic and diluted to be PKR 4.05, net cash flows from operating activities to be PKR 14,411,167.

For the year ending June 30, 2022, the company expects sales and Manufacturing to be PKR 1,160,700,000, profit from operations to be PKR 120,318,441, profit before taxation to be PKR 120,308,941, profit after taxation to be PKR 89,028,616, profit per share - basic and diluted to be PKR 6.64, net cash used in operating activities to be PKR 4,375,844 and acquisition of fixed assets to be PKR 50,000,000.