Agile Group Holdings Limited announced unaudited sales results for the month and twelve months ended 31 December 2018. For the month ended 31 December 2018, the aggregate of the pre-sales value of the company and its subsidiaries, together with its joint ventures and associates, and the pre-sales value of the real estate construction management business projects of the Group carrying "Agile" brand name, was RMB 13.6 billion and the corresponding gross floor area pre-sold was 1,080,000 sq.m. The average selling price was RMB 12,600 per sq.m. For the twelve months ended 31 December 2018, the aggregate of the accumulated pre-sales value of the Group, together with its joint ventures and associates, and the accumulated pre-sales value of the Real Estate Construction Management Projects was RMB 102.67 billion and the corresponding GFA pre-sold was 7,977,000 sq.m. The average selling price was RMB 12,871 per sq.m.