ADMA Biologics, Inc. announced that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has approved transitional pass-through payment status and established a new reimbursement C-code, C9072, for ASCENIV which is effective January 1, 2021. A C-code is a unique temporary product code established by CMS to help support Fee-for-Service pass-through payments in the Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS). The formal implementation of the C-code will enable hospital outpatient departments to infuse ASCENIV in the outpatient setting and be reimbursed at the list price, also known as the Average Sales Price (ASP), for ASCENIV at +6%. Other payers, such as commercial insurers, may also use the C-code for billing purposes while awaiting a permanent J-Code, which ADMA expects will be assigned during 2021. Permanent J-codes can be used across all settings of care for government insurers and commercial payers to support timely claims submissions and receive standardized reimbursement rates.