Adient announced to set out with its new Vision Seat concept, which debuted at the 2017 North American International Auto Show (NAIAS) on January 9, 2017. The Vision Seat design team worked without any of the assumptions brought to traditional seat construction. Their starting point was considering the human side of design -- studying and reacting to how people's bodies move when they are sitting in a vehicle. The result is a concept that's unique in its construction of interdependent sub-components that cannot be broken apart. The seat was unveiled by Adient, in the company's exhibit at Detroit'sCobo Center. Benefits of the new seat include: A high quality, thinner and lighter seat profile, which improves vehicle interior space; Better occupant kinematics for greater comfort; and easier seat adjustment that improves overall seating satisfaction. Adient will apply the principles it developed while designing the Vision Seat to future production seats for customers.