Joint Collaboration can look back on a good year. The company has established itself as the leading provider of collaboration solutions for projects. They recently received the award as a Gazelle company for the ninth consecutive year in Norway.

Joint Collaboration is a leading supplier of collaborative solutions for projects with more than 45 000 professional users using the company's solutions. The customers are those who "build something" within construction, oil and gas, energy and engineering industries. Joint Collaboration has several large clients, including both public sector such as Statens Vegvesen, Forsvarsbygg and Norwegian National Rail Administration (Jernbaneverket) and private companies such as Lyse Energi and Norconsult, Hæhre Entrepenør, Siemens and Hydro. Common to all customers is that they need a suitable, flexible and user-friendly collaboration solution that guarantees high project quality and profitability.

The construction industry in Norway sold as much as NOK 55 billion during the fourth quarter of 2013, representing an increase of 7.4 percent compared with the same period in 2012. The complexity of construction projects has increased significantly and we buy to a larger extent labor resources outside Norway and consequently we have different work cultures included the projects. The industry faces growing demands on structure, procedures and documentation, and decision-making processes are becoming much more demanding. The use of Joint ProsjektHotell has become a critical success factor for many companies and Joint Collaboration can look back on several good years of good growth and yearly Gazelle Awards.

"To achieve growth over time we have focused on our core business. We have maintained the strategic direction that was designed from the beginning with collaboration tools for projects. We have an even better offer and actively worked to find the right audience, and it is this combination that has led to our success. We have succeeded in building a strong relationship to and reputation among our customers for a long time", says Steinar Svinø, CEO at Joint Collaboration.

The Norwegian business newspaper "Dagens Næringsliv" gave JOINT Collaboration the title "Gazelle" for the ninth consecutive year at the end of 2013, based on 2012 accounts. Of all companies with revenue more than 1 million - only 5 percent receive this recognition. Joint Collaboration received the first Gazelle award in 2005. In 2013 Joint Collaboration was the only company with a full nine awards.

To meet the requirements as a «Gazelle», the company must have:

  •      At least doubled revenue over four years
  •      Revenue over one million the first year
  •      Positive operating profit
  •      Avoided negative growth
  •      Been a corporation
  •      Delivered approved accounts
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