ACSL Ltd. announced a private placement of 220,500 common shares at an issue price of ¥1,539 per share for gross proceeds of ¥339,349,500, 40 1st unsecured convertible bonds with stock acquisition rights at an issue price of ¥34,737,500 for gross proceeds of ¥1,389,500,000 and 9,205 units of 1st stock acquisition in 2023 at an issue price of ¥874 per stock acquisition right for gross proceeds of ¥8,045,170 and total gross proceeds of ¥1,736,894,670 on January 20, 2023. The transaction has been approved by the board of directors of the company. The company will raise the funds through third-party allotment method.

The transaction included participation from CVI Investments, Inc.