AcouSort AB (publ) announced expansion of its role in Blue4Therapy project and it will generate SEK 700,000 in additional revenue in 2022. The Blue4Therapy project was initiated in May 2020 with the ambition to develop clinical applications in cell therapy and stem cell treatments – two areas with great commercial potential. Behind the project are the University of Southern Denmark, BlueCell Therapeutics, Novozymes and AcouSort.

AcouSort's contribution to the project has been to develop a module for the purification of stem cells in a point-of-care environment. Blue4Therapy's goal is to develop a platform to separate out specific stem cells, so-called blue cells, from the patient's own adipose tissue for the treatment of various medical conditions. The first area of use is the treatment of erectile dysfunction caused by prostate cancer treatment, where AcouSort contributes with its separation technology enabling isolation and enrichment of stem cells in an efficient way.

The goal is to develop a product that can be used to extract stem cells from the patient's own adipose tissue. The partner company BlueCell Therapeutics in Copenhagen is responsible for developing the different therapies and was originally also supposed to develop the first complete prototype. BlueCell has now commissioned AcouSort to carry out this work, which will generate revenues of SEK 700,000 in 2022 in addition to the EUR 300,000 that AcouSort receives from Vinnova within the framework of the project.

Future commercialization primarily rests on BlueCell's plans for an international establishment of clinics using this unique cell therapy and where AcouSort could create recurring revenue streams through the sale of the company's single-use separation module.