ACI Worldwide, Inc. announced that T-Systems and Hungarian processor Takarékinfo will utilize the company’s UP portfolio of solutions to enable 17 Hungarian banks to offer real-time payments services as part of their digital transformation projects. The company's UP Immediate Payments solution will enable 17 Hungarian banks to connect to the country’s domestic real-time payments scheme, set to launch in June 2019. UP Immediate Payments offers a complete range of capabilities for processing real-time payments, including origination, processing, clearing and settlement, fraud detection and connectivity, all on a single platform. By utilizing the company’s UP Immediate Payments solution all banks will be able to provide real-time balance data 24/7 to all customers across all banking channels. The ability to provide such balances is a crucial compliance requirement of the Hungarian real-time payments scheme. The ACI solution allows banks to run their card, non-card, digital, real-time, and any-to-any payments at scale, and thereby accelerate their payments innovation strategy.