Date: 25 May 2009

Ability Drilling has  today submitted  a cancellation  notice to  TTS
Sense, regarding rig  no. 1. Together  with the cancellation  notice,
Ability Drilling has filed a new  claim of NOK 141.5 million  against
TTS Sense,  for  which  TTS  Marine has  provided  a  parent  company
guarantee.  Furthermore,   Ability   Drilling  is   also   evaluating
cancellation of rig no. 3 and 4.

Rig no.  1  is currently  in  Dubai,  in the  United  Arab  Emirates,
awaiting completion of guarantee work. The cancellation of rig no.  1
follows TTS Sense's failure to complete the guarantee work within the
agreed time limit. Ability  Drilling has filed a  claim of NOK  141.5
million against TTS Sense, related to  payments on rig no. 1 made  so
far. Ability Drilling has previously  announced that the company  has
received a NOK 75 million Letter of Credit related to the sale of rig
no. 1 to an Iraqi JV partner. As a direct consequence of TTS  Sense's
delayed completion of the guarantee  work, combined with TTS  Sense's
actions last week  by filing  a bankruptcy  petition against  Ability
Drilling and TTS Sense's refusal to provide service to the new  owner
of the rig,  the Iraqi JV  Partner has withdrawn  from the  agreement
with Ability Drilling. Hence, the Letter of Credit has no longer  any

Rig no.  3 and  4 is  currently in  TTS Sense's  locations at  Jåttå,
Stavanger, awaiting completion by TTS  Sense. Due to poor quality  of
work rendered and poor or inconsistent reporting format combined with
missing  traceability  related  to  welding  documentation  on   work
rendered by TTS  Sense and  its subsuppliers,  cancellation of  these
rigs will be evaluated.

The total claim of NOK 281.5  million filed so far against TTS  Sense
and its parent company TTS Marine follows inadequate deliveries  from
TTS Marine's subsidiary  TTS Sense with  respect to price,  guarantee
and quality.

  * TTS Sense has not completed deliveries of rigs nor guarantee work
    on any of the 250 ton rigs ordered by Ability Drilling
  * TTS Sense refuses to deliver service to buyers of Ability
    Drilling's rigs with the effect that the rigs can not be sold
  * We believe that TTS Sense has deliberately invoiced way beyond
    what they are entitled to, in order to increase their claim
    against Ability Drilling

For further information, please contact:

CEO Hans Petter Eikeland, phone +47 56 32 43 43, or +47 93 20 81 77
Chairman of the Board : Geir Nordahl-Pedersen, phone +47 901 401 30

This announcement was originally distributed by Hugin. The issuer is 
solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

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