A10 Networks, Inc. announced that it is establishing its A10 Defend security portfolio. This portfolio suite of products creates a holistic foundation for growth including new and advanced DDoS protection with AI-enhanced
zero-day detection capabilities, analytics and proactive DDoS threat intelligence to protect against new and previously unknown attacks. A10 Defend Delivers Advanced, Holistic DDoS Defense Available now, as part of the A10 Networks solution portfolio, the company has released A10 Defend Detector. A10 Defend Detector provides early-warning capabilities to facilitate even more effective and advanced threat mitigation, helping customers to build DDoS defenses before attacks occur. A10 Defend Detector, combined with A10 Defend Orchestrator and A10 Defend Mitigator, can provide high levels of scalability and efficacy with automated DDoS defenses for the most demanding service provider and enterprise environments. A10 is also currently in early trials with enterprise customers for its DDoS threat intelligence service, which it plans to integrate into the solution portfolio. A10's security research team already tracks upwards of 15.4 million DDoS weapons globally. The DDoS threat intelligence service builds on that expertise and will provide advanced DDoS intelligence for depth, accuracy, and proactivity. The service will be available early next year.