LIMA, Jan 13 (Reuters) - Peru's economy is rebounding faster than expected, central bank and economy ministry officials said late on Tuesday, but a second wave of coronavirus infections and lingering social tensions still threaten to derail a full recovery in the world's second-largest copper producer.

Hard-hit Peru struggled through one of its deepest recessions in decades in 2020 following months of battling the pandemic and political crisis.

The Andean nation's economy plunged 11.6% in 2020 as the coronavirus and related restrictions - especially on mining companies - ravaged output, but officials predict a rebound of 10% growth in 2021.

Economy Minister Waldo Mendoza told a business forum late on Tuesday that Peru suffered more than many of its neighbors. But at the same time, he said he believed a comeback was likely to be quicker, and more pronounced.

"In terms of the region, this recovery is much faster than that of neighboring countries, as well as the average for Latin America," Mendoza said.

Mendoza said public and private investment in Peru have been growing since October. Electricity production - another key indicator of output - is expected to register its first expansion in January since the pandemic struck in March, he added.

Mendoza and Peru Central Bank President Julio Velarde agreed that lingering social tensions could nonetheless bring surprises in the upcoming April presidential elections.

Velarde told forum attendees that in November the country's economy likely contracted between 2.9% and 3.1%, a vast improvement over contractions of up to nearly 40% in April.

"We are hoping to be one of the countries that recovers the fastest - that is, to return to the levels of 2019, even before most of the European countries," he said.

Velarde said poverty, unemployment, and especially politics risked that progress. Peruvians are fed up with their politicians and an endless stream of corruption allegations, he said.

"No one is vaccinated against bad presidents or bad governments," Velarde said.

(Reporting by Marco Aquino in Lima Writing by Dave Sherwood Editing by Matthew Lewis)