Korean blockchain: Klaytn is a blockchain platform developed by Ground X, a subsidiary of South Korea's Kakao Corporation, which is known for its popular mobile messaging application, KakaoTalk. Klaytn aims to provide a seamless and user-friendly user experience for decentralized applications (dApps) and facilitate the adoption of blockchain technology by businesses and users.


The native cryptocurrency of the Klaytn platform is KLAY. It is a utility token that serves as a medium of exchange and store of value within the Klaytn ecosystem. The KLAY is also used to pay transaction fees and to incentivize network participants, such as consensus nodes and service nodes, to maintain and secure the platform.

Klaytn focuses on creating an enabling environment for businesses and offers several features to meet their needs, including:

Hybrid governance: Klaytn combines centralized and decentralized governance to ensure platform stability and flexibility. This allows enterprises to participate in the governance of the network while preserving the benefits of decentralization.

Ethereum Compatibility: Klaytn is compatible with Ethereum's smart contracts and development tools, allowing developers to easily create and deploy dApps on the Klaytn platform.
