Yugabyte, the leader in open source distributed SQL databases, announced today that YugabyteDB is the database technology of choice for organizations implementing multi-cloud and hybrid cloud strategies. With businesses accelerating their cloud adoption initiatives amid the shift to remote work and the pandemic-induced innovation imperative, YugabyteDB has emerged as a critical enabler of multi-cloud and hybrid cloud strategies, debuting multiple new deployment options for enterprises in the midst of migrating their data infrastructure to the cloud.

As organizations increasingly embrace cloud infrastructure, many find it beneficial for both business and technical reasons to rely on multiple cloud vendors to achieve maximum infrastructure flexibility and avoid vendor lock-in. However if not carefully planned, architected, and executed, multi-cloud architectures can incur greater complexity and higher costs than single-cloud architectures.

“Wherever organizations are in their cloud adoption journeys, multi-cloud is the use case of choice,” said Karthik Ranganathan, CTO, Yugabyte. “Organizations looking to maximize the value of their cloud investments often find themselves needing more tools than the individual cloud providers offer. True multi-cloud databases are designed for distributed deployments that support different topologies across public and private clouds. Only distributed, cloud-agnostic, SQL databases like Yugabyte can provide the full suite of capabilities necessary for true multi-cloud deployments.”

By standardizing on open source databases like YugabyteDB, developers can spend more time developing features and less on basic data portability or maintenance tasks. YugabyteDB fits every cloud use case, deploying clusters across the globe to any public cloud, public or private containerized environments orchestrated with Kubernetes, or on-premises environments. YugabyteDB clusters can be deployed in a variety of configurations depending on business requirements and latency considerations, to multiple regions, availability zones, and clouds.

YugabyteDB also offers several key features necessary for success with multi-cloud, including;

  • Open source (Apache 2.0)
  • Cloud agnostic and cloud native (runs on any cloud or containerized environment)
  • Supports multiple cluster configurations
  • PostgreSQL compatible so it is familiar and fully featured
  • Supports a variety of data partitioning schemes
  • Supports multiple advanced replication architectures
  • Horizontally scalable to take full advantage of the elasticity of the cloud
  • Support for distributed ACID transactions
  • Enterprise security features built-in
  • Simplified database operations across clouds

For more information on YugabyteDB’s multi-cloud use cases, visit www.yugabyte.com/multi-cloud-data-strategy or visit the Yugabyte blog.

About Yugabyte

Yugabyte is the company behind YugabyteDB, the open source, high-performance distributed SQL database for building global, internet-scale applications. YugabyteDB serves business-critical applications with SQL query flexibility, high performance, and cloud native agility, thus allowing enterprises to focus on business growth instead of complex data infrastructure management. It is trusted by companies in cybersecurity, financial markets, IoT, retail, e-commerce, and other verticals. Founded in 2016 by former Facebook and Oracle engineers, Yugabyte is backed by Lightspeed Venture Partners, Dell Technologies Capital, 8VC and Wipro Ventures. www.yugabyte.com