The residential white pages listings provided by AT&T have been removed from future YP Real Yellow PagesSM and YP Real White PagesSM directories in select markets across California including Simi Valley.

As the official white pages publisher for AT&T, YP offers a variety of choices for accessing the free YP Real White Pages℠ including:

  • Using, which includes the YP Real Yellow Pages℠ directory with residential white pages, business white pages, and government pages listings.
  • Ordering a free version of the YP Real White Pages℠ directory on CD-ROM or in print by calling 1-866-329-7118 or going to
  • Accessing and searching residential listings on – among the 40 most visited web properties in the U.S.

The change reflects usage feedback and research from consumers.

About YP

YP is a leading local marketing solutions provider in the U.S. dedicated to helping local businesses and communities grow. YP’s flagship consumer brands include the popular YPSM app and, which are used by more than 80 million visitors each month in the U.S. (Internal Data, September 2014). YP solutions include online presence, local search, display advertising and direct marketing. YP solutions and services are backed by thousands of media consultants and customer service professionals in local markets across the U.S. with relationships spanning more than half a million advertisers. For more information on YP, visit us at Follow us on Facebook: and on Twitter: @YP.