CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa, Jan. 8, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- At a time when electronics take precedence, Nicole Beil wanted a book for her children that could offer more than just a story. She delivers just that in her first children's book I'm a? A Book of Rhymes, Riddles, and Choices, available on Amazon. It creates an interaction with your child while they learn to problem solve, and who doesn't love a good riddle?

When you open I'm a? you're met with a rhyming riddle giving characteristics about an object. On the opposite side you'll see a colorful choice page. This is where your little one gets to choose what object they think the riddle is referring to. Giving your toddler or preschooler the power to make a decision will only boost their little egos and help build self-confidence.

"One key to successfully using this book lies in the word 'interactive'. This isn't a book to be handed to a toddler to pursue on their own. Its success lies in its engagement opportunities. Adults will thus find it unexpectedly appealing and inclusive as it presents its queries and facing pages of clues. It's rare to see a board book that blends entertainment and interactive opportunities so nicely with educational touches, but I'm a? A Book of Rhymes, Riddles, and Choices cultivates a different approach that parents and childcare providers will appreciate."     - D. Donovan, Senior Reviewer, Midwest Book Review

They'll only know if they were correct by turning the page to see the vibrant illustration of the answer. Between that and the sound of your voice, you're sure to keep even your infant entertained. This book was made with critical thinking in mind but will also have readers channeling their inner detective.

Nicole Beil, mother of two, came up with the idea when trying to increase morale at work by writing riddles. Her wish as an author is to bring families together and spark even the adult's imagination. You can find her blog at amazon.com/author/nicolebeil. To follow I'm a? on social media or learn more head to https://imariddlebook.com. I hear there's a great Halloween Edition in the works that's to die for, Mwahahaha…

For more information contact Nicole Beil at 319.693.2667, 232005@email4pr.com

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SOURCE Nicole Beil