Maxwell Hall, Senior Media Manager, Tel.: +41(0)79 329 3500; E-mail:

  • Green Taxis, a new initiative of the Global Shapers Zurich Hub, promotes the use of green transportation
  • Zurich Hub is part of the Global Shapers Community of more than 3,000 socially engaged Millennials in over 300 Hubs worldwide
  • The Global Shapers Community is one of the multistakeholder communities of the World Economic Forum
  • For more information about the Global Shapers, please visit:

Davos, Switzerland, 17 January 2014 - The Zurich Hub of the Global Shapers Community, an initiative of the World Economic Forum engaging more than 3,000 young people worldwide, today launched its Green Taxi project by putting the first zero-emissions, electric cab into circulation in the Swiss city. The aim is for 15% of Zurich's taxi fleet to be electric and emissions free by 2015.

The first passenger was the Forum's Founder and Executive Chairman, Professor Klaus Schwab, who said, "We are proud of the Zurich Hub for promoting environmentally friendly mobility options for Zurich citizens."

Schwab was accompanied by Zurich Global Shaper and project leader Otto von Troschke. "It is very exciting to finally see the first electric taxis on the roads of Zurich today," said von Troschke. "We are very thankful for the great support of the local companies that have committed to use electric taxis over conventional ones and, therefore, are supporting the transition towards reducing CO2emissions and taking one more step against climate change. This clearly proves that the demand for electric cars is already there," he added.

The taxis have zero emissions and use 100% renewable energy. The initiative was first announced at the World 

Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2013 in Davos-Klosters, Switzerland, and is poised for rapid expansion. The city of Zurich is set to equip the city with an extensive network of fast chargers capable of replenishing a battery from 30% to 80% capacity in just 15 minutes. The fleet will help the city cut its transport emissions and demonstrate that electric cars are a viable alternative to traditional gas-powered vehicles.

The Global Shapers Community is an international network of Hubs developed and led by young people in their twenties who are exceptional in their potential, achievements and drive to make a contribution to their communities. Hubs undertake local projects and initiatives that make a positive impact on their communities. There are over 300 Hubs worldwide.

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