Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation President Jim Holte issued the following statement regarding the U.S. farm bill.  

"After years of debate and compromise, we urge Wisconsin's congressional delegation to vote in favor of U.R. 2642, the 2014 Farm Bill.This farm bill provides risk management tools and safety net provisions for grain, livestock, dairy and fruit and vegetable growers. This is good news for an agriculturally diverse state like Wisconsin.

In regards to dairy, we are please this farm bill compromise offers the most significant reform to federal dairy policy in a generation. This reform comes in the way of giving dairy farmers a choice of whether or not to choose in a safety net program to protect farmers from volatile milk prices.Agriculture represents over $59 billion in annual economic activity for Wisconsin. The farm bill proposals before the Congress provide the right amount of flexibility and certainty as our farmers make decisions that impact the fiscal health of their businesses and our local economies.

Wisconsin Farm Bureau members have been pushing for meaningful farm policy reform for years. We urge Congress to grasp the opportunity before them for true reform."  

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