WeSpire announced today an expansion of their award-winning employee engagement SaaS platform to include two new modules, Wellbeing and Positive Culture, which enable forward-thinking companies to improve employee wellbeing and create and sustain positive organizational values, behaviors, and cultures. The WeSpire platform is currently the market leader in sustainability and corporate social responsibility programs used by customers including MGM Resorts, Unilever and Cox Enterprises.

Forbes has named 2018 “The Year of Employee Experience”. In companies with a strong and positive culture, employees are happy, productive, and loyal to their workplace. Research conducted by Gallup demonstrates that the business case for corporate social responsibility has grown beyond environmental sustainability and social impact to include positive workplace culture and employee wellbeing as critical competitive advantages in the modern economy.

WeSpire’s expansion into the Wellbeing and Positive Culture market is rooted in their existing segment-leading expertise in Sustainability and Social Impact tools. “We’ve seen our customers use our behavioral program design tools to create their own Wellbeing, Positive Culture and even affinity group programs, proving that there is significant unmet demand for a behavior change platform that hosts, markets, and measures employee engagement efforts across the enterprise. Our powerful analytics engine enables HR, Communications, Sustainability, and Corporate Citizenship leaders to demonstrate the business value of each of these initiatives.” said Susan Hunt Stevens, Founder & CEO of WeSpire.

With today’s release of two new modules, the WeSpire engagement platform now offers four program types, each with a Library of ready to run employee Campaigns, Events, and Competitions. WeSpire also recently launched Ideaboards, a crowdsourcing tool that allows employees to submit, vote, and comment on new ideas to collectively bring the best innovations forward. WeSpire’s extensive built-in reporting and analytics compares each program’s impact on employee engagement and retention, as well as measuring program specific goals.

Companies can customize the content of each module by creating unique campaigns or modifying content from the Library. In addition to content created in-house by WeSpire, the Library contains initiatives authored by WeSpire’s Fortune 500 customers and third-party content experts. One such expert program partner is Urban Labs, an organization which works with businesses to integrate diversity and inclusion into leadership and corporate culture. "Urban Labs helps corporations reveal and eliminate the unconscious bias that prevents effective communication. Partnering with WeSpire to launch their Understanding Implicit Bias programs forwards our mission of creating inclusive workplace cultures," said Malia Lazu, Executive Director of Urban Labs.

WeSpire’s new Wellbeing Module is prominently featured in the #MakeAmericaWell campaign launched by co-founder & CEO of Mindbody Online, Rick Stollmeyer. The campaign encourages business leaders to commit to holistic investments in employee wellness and recommends WeSpire’s revolutionary technology to improve employee wellbeing.

About WeSpire

WeSpire provides leading companies around the globe with a technology platform to design, run and measure the impact of their employee engagement initiatives. On WeSpire, employees are inspired to participate in sustainability, social impact, wellbeing and positive workplace culture programs that improve business performance and build a better working world. For more information, visit www.wespire.com, contact us at info@wespire.com, or follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.