Voxware, the largest independent voice application company and leading provider of Cloud-based voice solutions, today announced that 2015 revenue from its flagship Cloud-based Voice Management Suite (VMS) experienced high double digit growth for the third consecutive year. The company attributes this growth both to new customers deploying Voxware’s Cloud VMS and to existing customers choosing to upgrade from legacy on-premise solutions to a more nimble SaaS delivery model.

Existing and new customers both adopted the technology to drive operational efficiency and improve accuracy in the warehouse. Voxware’s hands free voice solutions enable employees to perform a wide variety of warehouse tasks more quickly and accurately. Voice technology can be used for everything from receiving to loading, and most companies that deploy voice for item selection see picking accuracy levels exceed 99.9% and picking efficiency improvements of up to 30%.

“Our success this year proves that demand for Cloud-based technologies continues to rise,” said Keith Phillips, President and CEO, Voxware. “Not only does our Cloud VMS increase time to value and reduce the need for costly supporting infrastructure but it also allows companies greater flexibility to scale operations up and down as demand fluctuates throughout the year.”

Voxware’s new and upgrading customers include organizations from industries as varied as health, retail, and food service, demonstrating Voxware’s versatile capabilities to help companies of all sizes and industries. Some of the new Voxware customers that epitomize this diversity include Mission Health, the Greater Boston Food Bank, and GFX International. Additionally, existing customers upgrading from a legacy on-premise solution to a SaaS model include Kohl’s, Mohawk Industries, Tannis Foods, and Haddon House Food Products to name a few.

In addition to growth of its existing Cloud VMS product, Voxware also announced growing interest in its new predictive analytics product Intellestra, a Cloud-based platform purpose built for the supply chain that pulls data from multiple sources into a single portal. Intellestra gives warehouse managers the opportunity to test the possible outcomes of decisions to ensure warehouses are appropriately staffed, orders leave the warehouse on-time and complete, and external interruptions such as traffic or weather delays do not interrupt deliveries.

“Making a real-time decision to send an order out early to beat traffic or to reroute an order to another distribution center closer to a customer can be the difference between keeping and losing a customer. Intellestra helps companies make those decisions by illustrating what’s happening in the supply chain on a deep, granular level,” said Phillips. “As consumer expectations continue to rise, early demand for Intellestra and continued growth of our Cloud VMS mean that both Voxware and our customers are likely to see an even more prosperous 2016.”

About Voxware:

Voxware helps organizations with teams who are on the move to more effectively receive, act on, and communicate information critical to their work. Our hands-free voice solutions enable employees to safely and accurately speed through tasks, thereby boosting operational productivity and improving customer experiences. What’s more, Voxware easily adapts to changes in technology and processes, enabling organizations to quickly address shifting demands without disruptions to the operation. Our innovative approach to voice communication has proven to help our customers increase profitability by cutting costs and enhancing brand loyalty. For more information, please visit www.voxware.com.