LONDON, Feb 14 (Reuters) - Sovereign bond yields across the euro area fell sharply on Monday, with German 10-year borrowing costs sliding from more than three-year highs as investors rushed back into safe-haven debt on warnings that Russia could invade Ukraine at any time.

Signs of a push-back from European Central Bank members over the weekend against aggressive market pricing for interest rates hikes this year helped take the edge off a selloff in bonds.

But it was primarily safe-haven buying that helped bonds bounce back after the United States said on Sunday Russia might create a surprise pretext for an attack on Ukraine.

Benchmark 10-year bond yields were around 5 basis points lower across the single currency bloc. Germany's Bund yield fell as much as 10 bps at one point and was last down 5 bps on the day at 0.24%. It was still set for its biggest one-day fall since November, having touched more than three-year highs at 0.30% on Friday.

"We've gone from a backdrop of most people wanting to sell bonds to at least some wanting to put on hedges against risk," said Mizuho rates strategist Peter McCallum.

Oil prices briefly rose to their highest levels in over seven years, European shares slid 1.8%.

The Finance Ministers of the G7 group of large western economies on Monday warned Russia of "massive" economic consequences if it chose to invade Ukraine.

Berenberg chief economist Holger Schmieding noted that Russia was not a major market for Europe with Germany shipping just 1.9% of its goods exports to Russia compared with 5.6% to Poland.

He added that the ECB would likely look past any upward rise in energy prices triggered by tensions over Ukraine.

ECB Governing Council member Ignazio Visco said at the weekend the ECB will remain flexible as it unwinds its ultra-expansionary monetary policy. Ireland's central bank chief Gabriel Makhlouf told the Financial Times the idea of a rate hike in June looked "very unrealistic" to him.

ECB chief Christine Lagarde appears before the European parliament at 1615 GMT.

Euro zone money markets price in roughly a 10 bps ECB rate increase in June and anticipate 50 bps worth of hikes in total by year-end.

A marked shift in rate expectations since a hawkish pivot by the ECB earlier this month, alongside expectations for aggressive U.S. rate increases in response to sticky inflation, has unnerved bond markets.

The gap between benchmark 10-year Italian and German bond yields touched 170 bps on Monday, its widest since July 2020 . German two-year bond yield has risen 14 bps this month to -0.40%, set for its biggest monthly jump since September 2019.

"Markets are quite volatile and we will see higher yields until central banks appear to have a handle on things and inflation looks like it's peaked," said Sandra Holdsworth is Head of Rates, UK at Aegon Asset Management.

A lead manager memo seen by Reuters, meanwhile showed Belgium planning to issue a new 30-year bond in the "near future" via a syndicate of banks.

(Reporting by Dhara Ranasinghe Editing by Tomasz Janowski)