UPC purchases glass fibre optic cable network in Euthal

Effective 1 January 2017, UPC is purchasing the cable network in Euthal near Einsiedeln in the canton of Schwyz. The network has been operated by Genossenschaft der Gemeinschafts-Antennenanlage Euthal (GGAE) up to now. GGAE believes it has found the ideal successor in its long-standing partner UPC.

The cable network in Euthal near Einsiedeln in the canton of Schwyz has been operated by the Genossenschaft der Gemeinschafts-Antennenanlage Euthal (GGAE) cooperative up to now. What began in the seventies with the setting up of the cable television network has, thanks to ongoing expansion and investment, resulted in a modern and contemporary glass fibre optic cable network. Now, GGAE has sold the cable network to its long-standing partner UPC effective 1 January 2017.

Customers will benefit from powerful offer

Since GGAE has been a partner of UPC for many years, nothing will change for the some 180 customers as a result of this acquisition. They can use their existing cable connection and continue to enjoy the powerful products offered by UPC. Under the management of Switzerland's largest cable network operator, it will also be ensured that long-term investment is made in the glass fibre optic cable network.

The directors of GGAE are very pleased about the sale of the communication network: "The sale will secure the future of the Euthal cable network. UPC offers our customers considerable expert knowledge, financial and technical resources and competent customer support," says President Urs Bürgi.

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Press release, 27 January 2017

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