STORY: :: New Prime Minister Keir Starmer pledges a 'national renewal' following the opening of parliament

:: July 17, 2024

:: London, England

:: "This government has been elected to deliver nothing less than national renewal, to stop the chaos of the past 14 years, turn the page on an era of politics as noisy performance and return it to public service and start the work of rebuilding our country. A determined rebuilding, a patient rebuilding, a calm rebuilding, a rejection in this complicated and volatile world of those who can only offer the easy answer, the snake oil charm of populism. Mr Speaker, the last 14 years have shown that road is a dead end for this country, it does nothing to fix our foundations and the British people have rejected it as they have throughout our history. What people really want is change, and change is what this government of service will deliver. A King's Speech that takes the breaks off our economy and shows to the British people that politics can be a force for good, the vehicle for improving the lives of millions no matter who you voted for."

Prime Minister Keir Starmer spoke after King Charles set out the new leader's legislative agenda on Wednesday.

The government's priorities included a focus on reviving the economy and tackling issues from an acute housing shortage to a cost of living crisis.