WASHINGTON - Today Louisiana's U.S. Senator Mary L. Landrieu, Chair of the U.S. Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship, issued a statement welcoming all Committee members to the 113th Congress:

"I welcome all members of the U.S. Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship to the 113th Congress. I look forward to working across party lines with Ranking Member Jim Risch to ensure small businesses thrive and create jobs. Since becoming Chair, I've spearheaded and passed the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010, which supported more than $12 billion in lending and provided $12 billion in tax relief; reauthorized the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs; increased the surety bond limit for small businesses; and improved small business contracting programs. These initiatives have pumped millions of dollars into our local communities, leading to technology that keeps America as an innovative leader and creates jobs that strengthen our economy. If both sides of the aisle come together to put job creators first, then the 113th Congress will see continued successes on behalf of America's 28 million small businesses." 

Below is a list of Committee members for the 113th Congress:


  1. Senator Carl Levin
  2. Senator Tom Harkin
  3. Senator John Kerry
  4. Senator Mary L. Landrieu, Chair
  5. Senator Maria Cantwell
  6. Senator Mark Pryor
  7. Senator Ben Cardin
  8. Senator Jeanne Shaheen
  9. Senator Kay Hagan
  10. Senator Heidi Heitkamp


  1. Senator James E. Risch, Ranking Member
  2. Senator David Vitter
  3. Senator Marco Rubio
  4. Senator Rand Paul
  5. Senator Tim Scott
  6. Senator Deb Fischer
  7. Senator Mike Enzi
  8. Senator Ron Johnson


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