Research and Markets has announced the addition of the "The Top 300 Distributors of In-Vitro Diagnostics Products Worldwide" report to their offering.

Did you know?

- Abacus ALS is the largest privately owned supplier of in-vitro diagnostics products in Australia and New Zealand.

- Una Health Ltd., the fastest growing diagnostic distributor in the United Kingdom, specialises in bringing innovative point-of-care devices to the market.

- Diachel SA is the leading independent in-vitro diagnostics distributor in Greece, offering complete laboratory solutions, from sales to after-sales support and service.

- BHR Diagnostics Pvt. Ltd. works with leading global manufacturers, to bring point-of-care medical diagnostics in six major fields; allergy, cardiovascular, diabetes, female health, gastrointestinal and haematology, to the Indian market.

- For 30 years, Laboratorios LICON has specialised in providing reagents and clinical diagnostic systems to both public and private hospitals and laboratories across Mexico.

- Through its partnership with many international point-of-care manufacturers, Johannesburg headquartered, The Scientific Group supply a vast range of point-of-care tests to primary healthcare facilities in Africa.

- Representing more than ten international leading diagnostic companies, Onkogen Diagnostik Sistemler Ltd., is the leading company in molecular diagnostics in Turkey.

- Q Bioscience Co., Ltd. has been Abbott Molecular's distributor in Thailand since 2009.

Profile information for each company in The Top 300 Distributors Of In-Vitro Diagnostics Products Worldwide' typically includes:

- Company Contact Information - Address, Telephone and Fax Numbers, Email and Website Addresses

- Key Company Decision Makers - From CEO and Main Board, to Key Senior Managers

- Specialised fields such as Company Description, Manufacturers Represented, Countries Served, Year Established, Number of Employees and Ownership.

Report Target Market:

1) Manufacturers

This report is essential for manufacturers of in-vitro diagnostics products who wish to identify, evaluate and contact the 300 leading distributors for their products worldwide.

2) Distributors

Usage: competitive analysis and strategic partner/alliance identification.

3) IVD Associations

The Top 300 Distributors Of In-Vitro Diagnostics Products Worldwide' is ideal for IVD associations to identify new member companies.

Report data field structure is as follows:

- Company Name

- Address

- Telephone

- Fax

- Email

- Website

- Parent Company

- Year Established

- Number of Employees

- Key Executives

- Company Description

- Manufacturers Represented

- Countries Served

- Location Status

- Ownership

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