Turnover of manufacturing sectors within environmental goods and services sector was 4 billion EUR, exports reached 68 % of total turnover.

In 2012 Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia continued with the developmental work and pilot project on environmental goods and services sector (EGSS). Environmental sector is a heterogenous system of producers of technologies, goods and services in all NACE sections A-S with main purpose of protecting the environment. In accordance with Eurostat recommendations the methodological framework for data collection was supplemented with agricultural activities together covering sections NACE A-C. It is estimated that these industries contribute about 80 % of the totals in the environmental sector. For calculations data from regular data collections by SURS were used (annual industrial production, environmental expenditure, employment and agriculture). Gathered data do not cover the total environmental goods and services sector yet and are not final.

We considered three variables in EGSS work: turnover, exports and employment. Turnover data for agriculture, mining and manufacturing varied within observed years. In 2008 it totalled 4,599 mio EUR, dropped in 2009 due to decreased production and sales and again rose to 4,135 mio EUR in 2010. Exports were stable at about 66 % of total turnover in 2008 and 2009, rising 2 % in 2010.

Environmental sector employed in average 25,350 people in the observed period, representing 11 % of total employment in Slovenia.

Important part of environmental goods and services sector is organic farming, though data show its contribution is not that significant. In the analysis agriculture holdings with organic farming and agriculture holdings in conversion were considered. Data were available for 2007 and 2010, data for intermediate years were estimated. In 2008 the economic size of organic farming was 19 mio EUR, in 2010 the numbers peaked at 41 mio EUR due to methodological changes (typology of agricultural holdings in EU). These data are therefore not to be compared.

Employment in agriculture is presented by annual work units (AWU) and was around 3000 in organic farming in the observed period.

SURS will continue the developmental work in the field of environmental goods and services sector in the coming years. Methodological improvements will enable further analyses and calculation of ''green'' indicators.


Matej Mlakar
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