WASHINGTON, Jan. 15, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- "Maria Contreras-Sweet is the epitome of a successful entrepreneur and social innovator, whose professional accomplishments make her the best and most qualified candidate to head the Small Business Administration. The USHCC applauds President Obama for this groundbreaking nomination which clearly demonstrates that his administration understands the needs facing America's small businesses, as well as the concerns of the nation's valuable minority-owned business community. Ms. Contreras-Sweet is a practitioner, not a bureaucrat; she personally understands the number one concern of all entrepreneurs, which is access to credit and capital. She is a close friend of the USHCC, with whom we have enjoyed a long, collaborative relationship. I have no doubt that Maria Contreras-Sweet will be a strong ally and fearless advocate for American small business."

About the USHCC

Founded in 1979, the USHCC actively promotes the economic growth and development of Hispanic entrepreneurs and represents the interests of 3.16 million Hispanic-owned businesses across the United States that together contribute in excess of $468 billion to the American economy. It also serves as the umbrella organization for more than 200 local Hispanic chambers and business associations in the United States and Puerto Rico.

CONTACT: Valentina Pereda 
         USHCC Director of Communications 