Sixpoint Partners, a leading advisor and placement agent serving the middle-market private equity industry, is pleased to announce the successful closing of Incline Elevate Fund II, L.P. (“Elevate II”) and Incline Ascent Fund, L.P. (“Ascent”). Incline Equity Partners (“Incline”) is a Pittsburgh-based private equity firm focused on transforming growing value-added distribution, business services and specialized light manufacturing companies into world-class enterprises.

Elevate II attracted $630 million in capital commitments and Ascent closed on $310 million. Robust support from existing and new investors ensured a successful outcome for Incline after just four months of marketing.

The funds complement Incline’s flagship series, whose fifth fund, Incline Equity Partners V, L.P., closed on $1.165 billion in 2020. The combined platform allows Incline to leverage its proven sector expertise while expanding its range of potential investment targets to include businesses between $25 million and $750 million in enterprise value.

“The successful fundraises demonstrate the growth of our firm and our active role as a respected manager in the market,” said Jack Glover, Managing Partner of Incline. “I am incredibly proud of our track record. We thank our limited partners for their support, and we remain committed to working hard to create value for them. We also thank Sixpoint Partners who has been instrumental in helping us raise the capital for our last six funds.”

Larry Smith, Partner at Sixpoint Partners, commented: “We have had the privilege to serve as Incline’s fundraising partner for every vehicle the firm has raised since its spin-out from PNC Bank. It’s been amazing to witness the evolution of the platform and we know that they will continue to grow and deliver exceptional returns to their investors.”