In response to a growing energy consumption and sustainability crisis in data centers globally, Cleantech IT innovations company Servergy, Inc. has delivered to market its Cleantech Server® line, a new clean and green class of high I/O PowerLinux servers. Servergy is showcasing the hyper-efficiency of the Cleantech Server this week at the World Future Energy Summit, January 20 - 22, 2014 in Abu Dhabi, UAE, where the company is exhibiting at booth #8821 in the US Pavilion. The Cleantech Servers address one of the biggest problems within the data center - power costs - and answer a global demand for improvements in energy efficiency.

With the Internet of Things driving rapid increases in online commerce and online consumption, the world's digital economy leaves an alarmingly large footprint. The information that we create and consume across global networks reached 2.8 Zettabytes within the past two years, according to IDC1. The analyst firm expects that number to double every two years through 2020, reaching a mammoth 40 Zettabytes. To put that into context, 40 ZB is equal to 57 times the number of all the grains of sand on all the beaches on earth. Much of that information is managed and housed in data centers around the world, and running those data centers requires huge amounts of energy.

A 10-megawatt (MW) data center can use the energy of a small town. Couple that with the fact that there are over 500,000 data centers in the world, according to Emerson Network Power2, the digital universe uses about 10 percent of the world's electricity - or the combined power production of Germany and Japan3.

"With the global skyrocketing demand for energy, this has become a massive problem for widespread sustainability initiatives. And it will only intensify as the whole world goes online and quickly moves to a smart and connected planet powered by servers," said Bill Mapp, founder and CEO of Servergy.

"At Servergy, we believe that the 'new normal' within data centers globally will be a focus on energy efficiency, especially for 'new normal' I/O intensive workloads, such as cloud, caching and storage applications. It will start with the lowest common denominator within the data center - servers," Mapp continues. "We went all the way back to the innovations lab drawing board and used a zero-sum step-function engineering approach from the ground up to create the next generation of hyper-efficient enterprise servers. Our servers are small, fast, efficient, cool, quiet, light-weight, but also powerful and scalable enough to handle the rapidly growing data, space, cooling and energy demands of data center operators globally. It is everything this data-hungry, power- and real estate-constrained era of big data and cloud needs to solve the space, I/O and energy crises created by the rapidly growing world of exploding data."

The initial product release in the new Servergy Cleantech Server line, the CTS-1000 server, delivers an industry-leading performance-per-watt PowerLinux server with maximum power consumption of around 100 Watts at full load. In addition to providing energy efficiency, the game-changing new technology literally pays for itself by reducing power, cooling, space, water, weight and carbon footprints by up to 80 percent. Plus, the Cleantech Server line has up to 16 times the I/O and compute density over traditional server technology. The US-built servers weigh only nine pounds and pack two 10GB and two 1GB ports in a server with the footprint the size of a legal pad, i.e., less than one-fourth of 1U.

"Data centers operators globally are searching for answers to their power, cooling and space limitations - all challenges that the CTS-1000 addresses head on," Mapp said. "Servergy is not just in the business of selling servers. Our ultimate goal is to create and deliver clean and green data center solutions that leverage the power and potential of technology at its best to positively impact all the triple bottom line 3-Ps of People, Profits and Planet. It's all in our brand tagline and promise - Save Energy. Work Smarter."

Servergy is convening a community of global partners and suppliers to help promote and expand clean and green technology capabilities worldwide.

About Servergy

Servergy is a Cleantech IT innovations company and thought leader in using open PowerLinux. Servergy has created an exciting new clean and green class of hyper-efficient, high-performance PowerLinux servers with its patented Cleantech Architecture TM that is built on top of the mature, scalable and data center proven Power Architecture®. Servergy is focused on developing data center technologies that save power, space and offer highly scalable, high density, high I/O solutions for cloud, big data, caching and distributed storage applications. Servergy is backed by a rapidly growing partner list of top companies around the globe. Servergy's headquarters and Innovations Lab are located in Dallas, Texas, USA. Visit Servergy at or @Servergy.

1 The Digital Universe in 2020: Big Data, Bigger Digital Shadows and Biggest Growth in the Far East, EMC, IDC

2 State of the Data Center 2011, Emerson Network Power

3 "How Much Electricity Does the Internet Use?," Tech the Future

Brooks & Associates Public Relations, Inc. (for Servergy)
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