The Reserve Bank of India today released the revised guidelines on Merchanting Trade Transactions. The earlier guidelines on the subject were issued in 2003. Merchanting or Intermediary Trade involves purchase of goods by Indian residents from non-residents and then reselling them to another non-resident directly without the goods touching the Indian ports. Although the merchanting trade transactions do not contribute to the exports from India, they result in net foreign exchange inflows. The Technical Committee on Services / Facilities to exporters (Chairman: Shri G. Padmanabhan) in its report (May 2013) recommended that the procedure be simplified.

Under the revised guidelines, total period of merchanting trade has been extended from six months to nine months and short term financing for both export and import leg has been enabled. Half yearly reporting of outstanding merchanting trade by AD Banks has also been prescribed to ensure better monitoring.

Ajit Prasad
Assistant General Manager

Press Release: 2013-2014/1443

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