Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of the "Molecular Diagnostic Market and Testing" report to their offering.

This report focuses on market background of the areas that are covered, including lung, breast, thyroid and blood cancers (specifically leukemia and lymphoma), as well as pre-conception genetic information and prenatal diagnostics.

Included in this Report:

- Cancer diagnostics companies interviewed include: GeneCentric, Veracyte, Adaptive Biotechnologies.

- Genetic and prenatal diagnostics research companies, including GenePeeks and Verinata Health.

- Comprehensive coverage of survey results (n=123) from the various companies and researchers working in molecular diagnostics.

- A company directory which was created for this report. This includes several seasoned and emerging companies, their areas of focus, and the status of their technologies.

Key Topics Covered:

Part I: Introduction And Market Background

Chapter 1: The Focus Of This Report

Chapter 2: Market Trends And Adaptability

Part II: Cancer Diagnostics

Chapter 3: Lung Cancer

Chapter 4: Breast Cancer

Chapter 5: GeneCentric

Chapter 6: Thyroid Cancer

Chapter 7: Veracyte

Chapter 8: Blood-Based Cancers

Chapter 9: Adaptive Biotechnologies Corporation

Part III: Genetic Information And Prenatal Diagnostics

Chapter 10: Genetic Information And Prenatal Testing

Chapter 11: GenePeeks

Chapter 12: Verinata Health

Chapter 13: Testing Specifications

Part IV: Survey Demographics

Chapter 14: Survey Results

Part V: Company Directory

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