Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of the "Global Cream Cheese 2016" report to their offering.

This is a report on the Cream Cheese markets in the West and East Europe, Middle East and North Africa, Africa, Asia, Central Asia and Caucasus, Latin and North American regions.

The report includes:

- Information on supply and usage in 129 markets across the regions.

The report provides information on:

- Consumption volume (tonnes) and total market value, 2010-2015

- Manufacturer supply (2015 only),

- Volume Channel distribution split into retail, food service and industrial applications 2015 only

- Local production versus imports at country and regional level for 2015 only

Brie is segmented into the following types of presentation:

- Regular Fat

- Low Fat

- The year series is 2010-2015 with forecasts to 2021.

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