ATREM S.A. RB 3 2011


Current Report No. 3 / 2012
Date of preparation: January 17, 2012

Abbreviated name of the issuer


---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject:

Signing a significant agreement

Legal basis:

Article 56 section 1 point 2 of the Public Offering Act - current and periodic information

Report content:

Board ATREM S.A. announces that on January 17, 2012 conceived the information that companies of Atrem Capital Group in the period from August 24, 2011 to January 17, 2012, concluded with the companies belonging to the PBG Group contracts for a total estimated value of 7.511.316,54 PLN net.
The highest-value is the agreement signed by subsidiary of the Issuer - Contrast sp. z o. o. . (Contractor) on January 17, 2012 with Hydrobudowa Polska S.A. seated in Wysogotowo. The
subject of the contract is: "Complementary works of adaptation and reconstruction of the space the
Municipal Stadium in Poznan, commercial spaces of functions, and catering services for electrical installations and temporary transformer station for the UEFA Club along with the power line, under the task entitled: "Execution of works complementary expansion of the Municipal Stadium in Poznan, ul. Bulgarian 17 for Euro 2012. "
Due date of the contract was set to 20 March 2012.
For performing the work for the implementation of the agreement Contrast Sp. z o. o. receive a fee of
3.921.759,61 PLN.
Contractor warrants for a period of 36 months from the date of receiving task by the Investor- "Euro
Poznan 2012" Sp. z o. o. Poznan, which is scheduled for 30 March 2012.
Contractor shall pay liquidated damages of the following titles::
a) in the event of cancellation of the Agreement for reasons attributable to the Contractor - 10% of the total value of gross salary;
b) for each day of delay in completion of works worth 0.1% of gross salary;
c) for untimely removal of defects and faults found upon receipt or within the warranty period - 0.1% of total gross wages for each day of delay in relation to the period within which would be the removal of defects,
d) In the case of non-compliance with safety and fire regulations and for neglect of duty specified in the Agreement, after unsuccessfully written request to cease breaches - 0.005% of gross contractual
The Purchaser shall pay the Contractor the following penalties: in case of withdrawal from the Agreement for reasons attributable to the Employer - ¬ 10% of the total value of gross salary.
Parties shall be entitled to claim damages under the general in excess of the value of the reserved contractual penalties.
Contractor shall make the proper performance guarantee in the amount of 5% of salary.
Agreements concluded by the Group members Atrem with companies including PBG Group meet the criterion of significant agreement, as their total value exceeds on aggregate 10% of the equity of the Issuer.
The legal basis of this report is to: § 5. 1 pt. 3 in conjunction. of § 2. 2 of the Decree of the Minister of Finance dated 19 February 2009 on current and periodic information disclosed by issuers of securities and the conditions for recognition as equivalent to the information required by the laws of a non (Journal of Laws of 2009 No. 33. 259).