ZURICH, January 16, 2018 /PRNewswire/ --

ETH Zurich - the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, Switzerland brings some of its top researchers in the fields of robotics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to Davos during the World Economic Forum. Robotics demos, interactive games, and inspiring speakers challenge visitors to rethink intelligence in a public exhibition and series of events that take place in the:

ETH Zurich Pavilion
Talstrasse 41
7270 Davos Platz

     (Photo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/629234/ETH_Zurich.jpg )

International Press Exclusive
Monday, 22 January 2018 - 17:00

An international press exclusive launches the week featuring an open discussion on intelligence - one of the last mysteries of humankind. "How do we code to ensure self-preservation?" Moderator John Fraher, Bloomberg and experts from IBM Research, Google Switzerland, ETH Zurich, Disney Research, Starmind, Swiss AI Lab, and Silicon Valley Robotics discuss how, as creators, to address the risks and potential as the world builds artificial intelligence systems.

ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich researchers debut RoboRat - a prototype of an autonomous robotic lab rat that uses built-in artificial neural networks to demonstrate intelligent animal behavior.

Networking with Google
Tuesday, 23 January 2018, 20:00

Google Switzerland and ETH Zurich exchange views on the future of intelligence with some of Europe's most exclusive execs and members of the media.

RETHINKING Intelligence - Public Exhibition
Tuesday, 23 January - Thursday, 25 January 2018, 11:00 - 16:00

ETH Zurich researchers will be on hand to present exciting projects demonstrating their latest research in artificial intelligence, neural networks, and robotics in a public exhibition that takes place in the ETH Zurich Pavilion, Davos.

3D Printed Brain
Reprinting Intelligence imagines a future that 3D prints artificial organs.

Attempt to defeat Dextra - a robotic hand that uses a brain-inspired neural network and a camera to anticipate an opponent's every move in a game of "rock-paper-scissors."

Using a brain-computer interface the Cybathlon BrainRunners video game allows players to control an avatar using only thoughts.

Watch as ANYmal - a quadrupedal robotic search and rescue dog - perceive and map its environment autonomously.

TasteLab Café
ETH spinoff, TasteLab tantalizes the tastebuds showing the close relationship between science and food.

Further information  

ETH Zurich Pavilion Press Page: http://bit.ly/ETHatWEF2018_Press 
About ETH Zurich: https://www.ethz.ch/en/the-eth-zurich.html 
Boilerplate: https://www.ethz.ch/en/the-eth-zurich/portrait.html 
Request event invitation: Juerg Brunnschweiler, Director ETH Global juerg.brunnschweiler@sl.ethz.ch