JSER 201401170068A
GEN - Index Change Advice - Poynting Holdings Deletion

          Poynting Holdings (South Africa): Constituent Deletion
                      FTSE/JSE Africa Index Series

                                             17 January 2014
Following the receipt of updated shareholder information for Poynting Holdings (South
Africa, constituent), in accordance with Ground Rule 4.3.4 and following notification from
the Stock Exchange, FTSE and the JSE announces the following changes:

               INDEX                                    CHANGE                        EFFECTIVE FROM
                                                                                         START OF

 FTSE/JSE Africa AltX (J232)             Poynting Holdings (South Africa,            22 January 2014
                                         ZAE000121299, B3BF112) will be
                                         deleted from the index.

 FTSE/JSE Africa AltX 15                 Poynting Holdings will be deleted           22 January 2014
 (J233)                                  from the index.

                                         RBA Holdings (South Africa,
                                         ZAE000104154, B24GXH5) will
                                         be added to the index with a
                                         shares in issue figure of
                                         614,876,352 and an investability
                                         weighting of 50%.

For further information or general enquiries please contact us at info@ftse.com or indices@jse.co.za or call:

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JSE Limited:                                      Tel: +27 11 520 7137

Alternatively please visit our website at www.ftse.com or www.ftsejse.co.za

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