Iran-Venezuela presidents call for expansion of Tehran, Caracas multilateral cooperation / Development of relations with Latin America is among policies of government

The presidents of Iran and Venezuela emphasized underlined common aspirations, interests and strategies with regards to global, regional and bilateral issues and called for the expansion of multilateral cooperation of Tehran-Caracas.

news id: 83756 - 

Saturday 10 January 2015 - 14:06

"The development of relations with Latin American countries is among policies of the 11th government," the president Rouhani said at the joint meeting with his Venezuelan counterpart in Tehran.
President Rouhani welcomed the presence of Nicolás Maduro and said:'I hope that through the agreements to be signed during the visit, we will witness expansion of trade and investment, export of the technical and engineering services, establishment of the pharmaceutical industries, continued mutual cooperation in shipbuilding and inaugurating air flights to expand tourism.'
"Undoubtedly, cooperation among the aligned countries in the OPEC can both defuse the plots of certain powers against the organization and help stabilize an acceptable price for oil in 2015," Dr.Rouhani said.
Elsewhere, he called for the further development of bilateral relations with Venezuela in trade, investment, exports of technical and engineering services, medical industries, ship-building and direct flights between the two countries.
"The Islamic Republic of Iran can have the necessary cooperation with Venezuela in areas of housing, road-construction, industry, and food and drug industries to meet the needs of the Latin American country," Dr.Rouhani said.
President Rouhani said that Tehran-Caracas cooperation in international organizations will serve the interest of the Middle East and Latin America, it can help restoration of security and development as well.
"Both countries are opposed to terrorism and extremism in the world and help each other in the establishment of stability and security across the world," Dr.Rouhani stressed.
President Rouhani reiterated that Iran and Venezuela should boost their economic cooperation, and said, "We will be looking for broadening bilateral ties, especially in economic areas."
Maduro for his part said the Venezuelan government wants expansion of strategic relations with Iran especially in the economic and political domains and the visit can upgrade ties to the highest possible level.
He said campaign against arrogance and promotion of the economic capability of the two countries are common ground for enhanced cooperation.
He urged continued presence of Iranian companies in housing, pharmaceutical and auto industries sectors of Venezuela.
Maduro said Iran is flag holder of campaign against violence and extremism and Venezuela can move within the same framework on a smaller scale.
Referring to the role of NAM states at the regional and global level during Iran's presidency over the organization, he said Venezuela will be the next president of the organization, asking to share experience with Iran.
He asked the OPEC states' cooperation to restore price stability to the good.
He furthermore urged re-establishment of Caracas-Tehran air link, which would make Iranian and Venezuelan nations further acquainted with each other and encourage further export of their products.

news id: 83756  

- Foreign Meetings

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