On the subject of being conservative, even that is hard to do now given what's happening in fixed income. How should we start thinking of this process that's different or better or guarantees us a little bit more income than we thought we'd have originally?


Actually there's no guarantees in life of course. But what people really should do is think through simple questions about what their needs are. For example, what's your primary purpose? Well for most people their primary purposes are some things like I want the money to take care of me and my spouse for the rest of our lives and or maybe I want to leave some money to children, real simple things. So if it's as simple as taking care of me and my spouse for the rest of our lives, then you need a realistic assessment of how long is the rest of your life, which is usually going to be based on, on the one hand your genetic history and on the other hand your health. And most people when you go through that have a much longer time on the horizon than they think they have. And when you think in those time periods, equities almost always do better than other major alternatives and in time period after equities have done badly it's just real easy to not do something new and crazy, just go with the old conventional notions of using an appropriate asset allocation towards equities, think on a global basis, keep it real simple so you don't snatch defeat from the jaws of victory and rigidly stick to the process of thinking about that long time horizon and how you want to have yourself orientated towards that.