NEW YORK, Jan. 15, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Pando Software Inc., whose Pando Browser ad blocking app has recorded over 100,000 cumulative downloads on the Google Play Store within three months, has successfully launched their Pando Coin (PANDO) on the U.S. based exchange Bittrex and is now available for purchase.

Pando Browser is a Web 3.0 browser that sports a long list of advantages when compared with existing browsers. Users can easily decide to display or block advertisements according to their preferences, all the while managing their data in a more secure browsing environment. Paying and sending money through the browser is made easy with the built-in Pando Browser wallet. Expansion into web browsers and messengers makes perfect sense strategically for the company to further realize the vision of a "Transparent Internet." The Pando Browser is closely linked with various business models and has produced strong synergies in the space.

Pando Coin (PANDO) has also announced plans to expand the Pando ecosystem through marketing and technology development cooperation based on various partnerships in Korea and abroad. Entering the U.S. market through listing on the Bittrex global exchange was a large stepping stone to further expansion.

About Pando

Pando Coin works with the Pando Browser which is a web 3.0 browser available for android that has free VPN and mining rewards capabilities. Pando can reward its users with financial rewards.

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