PR Newswire/Les Echos/



Number of outstanding shares and voting rights as of December 31, 2014 published
pursuant to the provisions of article L. 233-8-II of the French Code de Commerce
     and articles 221-1 et seq. and 223-16 of the AMF's General Regulations

                                                   December 31, 2014
Total number of outstanding shares                     75,885,591

Total number of theoretical voting rights
determined on all the shares making up the
share capital, including those without
voting rights (*)                                     119,243,780

Total number of net voting rights                     119,064,131

(*) self-held shares

About Imerys

The world leader in mineral-based specialty solutions for industry, with EUR3.7
billion revenue and 15,800 employees in 2013, Imerys transforms a unique range
of minerals to deliver essential functions (heat resistance, mechanical
strength, conductivity, coverage, barrier effect, etc.) that are essential to
its customers' products and manufacturing processes.

Whether mineral components, functional additives, process enablers or finished
products, Imerys' solutions contribute to the quality of a great number of
applications in consumer goods, industrial equipment or construction. Combining
expertise, creativity and attentiveness to customers' needs, the Group's
international teams constantly identify new applications and develop high
value-added solutions under a determined approach to responsible development.
These strengths enable Imerys to develop through a sound, profitable business

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